Thank you for raising your children to cherish all life forms. I think you all even show kindness to spiders. I love that!

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Thank you on a hard day...where there hasn't been any compassion at the local agency and lives lost never count. When you try to rescue an injured animal and despite every effort that animal dies I think your love and caring go with him as a blanket of protection to wherever his soul goes next. You are with him all the way. There can be no greater comfort: Someone cared.

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What a great story! Even though the outcome wasn't what was hoped for, you all showed Rocky that his life mattered, and I know he took your kindness with him on his new journey. My heart really needed something like this, after the despair of yesterday reading about the New Zealand cat killing contest, the horrors of shelter pets dying in gas chambers, and the abomination of Yulin. It really is a healing thing to read about people who make such great effort to help an animal in need. May you and your family have many blessings, and may more animals be blessed by your presence in the world🙏🌹

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Thank you Nathan and Jenn for instilling wonderful habits -- THANK YOU -- the more like you, the better for the world -- thank you for bringing Rocky to a "good" Rehabber -- as you mention, "Like 'shelters', too many 'rehabbers' find killing easier than treating ..." -- a point that should BOTHER us all -- Shelters and Rehabbers are in the business of caring for and saving Animals -- how do we re-educate abusive killers !

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