Was so sad to learn about Gabriel but pleased that Underdog Heroes tried to save him. Just yesterday, I was sent a video of a cat at Lancaster, CA country shelter. Angel, an owner surrender, was classified by that shelter as a "barn cat" leading us to believe that she was hopelessly feral. That classification squashed our efforts to interest any rescue to take her. But Angel was lucky. In a cage since November, the shelter did not get around to killing her. She was rescued by others days ago, and Angel is so tame that she seeks pets and rubs rather than the food bowl nearby. She is loving, affectionate and only 4 years old. It demonstrates the continued incompetence of shelter workers.

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Absolutely -- (RULE: do NOT go by labels) -- once you bring in an Animal, you can see for yourself what needs to be done -- in the above example, at worst, Kitty-Angel could continue to be a "barn" cat -- BUT, depending upon number of variables, Angel's attitude changes from week to week; as in the above example, Angel turns out to be a real Sweetie-Pie.

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We need to quit killing these dogs if I were in a shelter like that well I would not be because I could not kill an animal that has a chance at life this little puppy I just don't care for people

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AGAIN they keep committing their crimes ? — Now, it’s Gabriel ! — it’s so non-sensical — why take their hateful spite out on innocent, vulnerable Animals? — there are many Human Adults who can be targeted by the CRUEL Meanies working at Shelters — Poor, innocent, vulnerable Animals — heartbreaking -- Animals don't stand a chance in the wrong environment.

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I have learned to hate. rest in Peace sweet baby.

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