Aug 5, 2022Liked by Nathan Winograd

For three decades, I have been ostracized by many of the "big-wigs" mentioned in this article. People will find any reason to criticize those who provide substantiated, logical, and proven alternatives to their self-justified behaviors. I am not male, or one with numerous acronyms following my name, or considered "privileged" as it is commonly thought-of. I am, instead, criticized for not following "the norm", for taking my on path, creating my own solutions, and being successful. How dare I! So, in respect to this article, dogs do not care if their death is considered justified. When inhumane actions are denied, sugar-coated and justified, solutions are ignored, and those providing solutions and spreading awareness are chastised, animals will continue to be killed, and the general public will continue to be brainwashed.

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Either we love Animals and fight FOR their lives — or, we hate Animals and KILL them, despite the fact that they’re healthy or treatable — Animals want those who love and fight for them.

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