I am heartbroken to learn about the hypocrisy of our politicians who only care about getting votes while showing no compassion for our loving family friends, the animals. If we had a dog running our government, instead of greedy and insensitive politicians. we would have love and peace. Perhaps Nathan Winograd should consider running for President — he would get the votes of animal lovers. Sincerely, Dr. Jerry Neidich, Ph.D.

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The baby chicks… this is what hardens people… unfortunately “jobs” of this sort are oftentimes the only kind available to the struggling poor and recent arrivals. For both animals and people, surely American capitalism can do better. Profits can still be made but not at the expense of the universal moral compass. Ethics + compassion + imagination does not necessarily equal a loss in the corporate bottom line.

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To follow up on my previous comment suggesting that Nathan Winograd run for President, his independent party should be called the Dog Party. His wife will be his VP, and his Cabinet will all be Animals, including Barker of the House. Homeland Security will be a combination of German Shepherds,Rottweilers, etc. All animal lovers will vote for him— it could be a landslide victory . This will finally bring peace and kindness to our country. And Dog Party animals will run for Congressional seats in the House. Sincerely, Dr. Jerry Neidich, Ph.D.

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It’s hair-raising to know Gov. Noem got this far — (2) Sen. Fetterman should be wiser & smarter about good health & what is best for our Planet & Animals, not to mention his own constituents.

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