I saw that disgusting headline photo in the NYT a few weeks ago with the human killer clutching his gun (tough guy! He got a cat!), callously holding his deceased victim by the tail and thinking to myself, “oh my God… he’s got a Jasmine!” Because that dead kitty looked exactly like my own sweet 17 year old harp-playing striped tabby Jasmine! Deeply intelligent, she started learning music at age four months when she came to live with us (my husband and I are both professional musicians). She has been recorded! She can create her own little melodies, play counterpoint along with you on your harp or piano (yes, classical or jazz!) and finish on the beat, on time, correct note! And to think some creep out there considers cats as not being on the same “worthiness” level as humans: mentally, spiritually, and so on. Well, they’re “just animals” the malevolent thinking goes.

We’ve seen this show before, presented in the human world and it’s not good: women, Blacks, Native Americans, Jewish people and now our country’s recent arrivals of Hispanic origin. All considered inferior in some way and treated accordingly.

NYT should know better than this; they like to consider themselves progressive in thought.

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One has to wonder if some of these shelter employees/administrators utter failures are feeding this bilge to the NYT. With the state of collapse of morals, compassion and insight that are required to care for animals, nothing would surprise me anymore. And why it has to take intervention from law enforcement to get these scumbags to do their jobs is also mind-boggling.

I share your horror at the vomitous photo of the "big man" with a high powered rifle that was obviously used to kill a defenseless cat. Australia and New Zealand are showing themselves to be worse than third world countries. Passing these photos and articles along to various travel agencies might be an extra boost to heightening awareness of these atrocities.

Your kitty Jasmine sounds amazing and you are so lucky to be blessed with her! This is such a unique talent, I think she should work on an album 😊. Enjoy your day!

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We are indeed working on an album in my studio! “A Harp for Jasmine” (My own album was commercially released so will be able to do same for her ;-)

I never thought of that, awful stuff being fed to the NYT but anything’s possible.

A few weeks ago similar tripe about the supposed predation of cats eating up every bird in sight appeared at the Wall Street Journal. (Birds are still here, no? Senior kitties are indoors only anyway). I left a comment there, because one man sounded a bit ominious, not just towards cats but towards small children! Yikes!

Bad move. Although other WSJ commenters were strongly in support of kitties and responded to scary guy, I got an email that he responded to my comment. I chose not to read it, for my own emotional health. I don’t know what he said but I did see his earlier comments. That sort doesn’t like either animals or humans. I don’t comment there anymore, although I did think my brief note was a form of community service for anyone who happened to stumble across the convo and might not be fully informed on all sides of the issues.

I have found my friends & community here, hugs to you all!

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Yes please stick to the positive things like Jasmine's album and don't give your energy to scary people like the commenter you mentioned! Best of luck with "A Harp For Jasmine", we need more like this in the world now 😽

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I used to crosspost the NYC shelter dogs. They used to kill between 20-40 dogs every day and that was 10 years ago. They got tons of money-spent it all on offices and salaries. Not a dog lover in the place and they dump them in black garbage bags in piles on the street.

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As a former New Yorker and bagel guy, l agree with your sentiment regarding the egregious actions by the pounds and the left wing media, which is akin to that of our bureaucratic government == inhumanity and insensitivity. All of the culprits should be punished (jail time and fines). What happened to common sense and love and compassion?!

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The New York Times and The Gothamist should be ashamed of themselves — for sure, they are NO LONGER reputable — even the Tabloids are better — knowing they’re printing pure, baseless opinion— the have no respect for its readers, no respect for reality, no respect for facts — creating an upside-down world and misleading everyone is shameful, lazy, depravedly indifferent, immoral & vile.

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