I had not read the CRT publications that promote neglect, abuse, rape, and killing of animals. I am appalled. Never would I have imagined someone actually thinking that CRT would accept non-protection of animals. If anything, I would think protection of people from minority groups would instill the desire to protect MORE living creatures rather than justifying abuse. When the CRT promoters justify abusing animals, they are acting just like Whites justifying subjugating anyone unlike them. Disgusting….

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These useless gender studies degree programs are an infestation on college campuses. They should be booted out and replaced with something more practical, like a school of veterinary medicine. At the college where my husband teaches (classical) music, he and his department have to struggle to get minimal financial support for needed physical upgrades so they can teach better. Meanwhile the gender crowd is getting literally $$ millions, with new buildings, programs and administrators while some of the students are having serious mental/emotional health problems with the trendy ideologogies that get peddled there. Campus suicides are lately on the increase (which was virtually non-existant before).

It’s ok to call this stuff out. I’d love to see vet tech certification, a DVM program, college work-study programs with the local shelter, things like that, instead of the latest alphabet addition to a now very long acronym, which is going into territories I perhaps don’t want to have decoded for me.

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