The fact that they think this appointment thing is helpful, should cause one to doubt the intellect of shelter management. They are kill pens and everyone needs to know that before being helpful and taking dogs to the freakin pound.

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Nathan… you are EXACTLY right about this.

Shelters have set up arbitrary rules, that fluctuate on a whim with each individual shelter director. Why is this allowed?

One month they do one thing, next month another. Their phone lines are jammed up for appointments and in fact - Riverside County Animal Shelter made an announcement they weren’t taking phone calls, just days after their new manager Mary Martin was hired. Only emails?

Pretty soon with barriers like that— you’ve simply lost the interest of the community.

We can’t help but notice how this is also a HUGE transparency issue for the community. As a volunteer and founder of a rescue group, I know personally this is a huge issue. They maintain complete control of what people see.

Much like a library or other city department — this IS a taxpayer funded

department, but they seem to operate independently, no oversight and without any concern for saving lives.

Orange County shelters just announced THIS week, 5 years after Covid they were returning to “preCovid” hours!!!

How were they allowed to keep the shelter on such limited hours for so long? How many adopters were discouraged or ignored?

We’ve also heard of shelters who limit adopters to see only specific dogs they requested to see PRIOR to arriving. Leaving the possibility of falling in love with a dog they may not have considered completely off the table.

As horrible as some of the higher kill shelters are- they know the obvious and have longer hours.

They know open doors means more traffic 🐾🐾🐾 thus leading to more adoptions❤️

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Keep fighting and complaining -- don't give in -- don't give up -- It is important for all of us to stand and complain to the world of the hateful insanity & cruelty & immorality of Animal Shelter Management -- many out there may not know or need to be reminded -- we must enlighten as many as possible in order to SHUT DOWN hateful kill-Shelters.

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Thanks, Nathan, for reminding us -- will SHARE -- Shelter Animals — Let’s start thinking about what’s good for the Animals — TOO many unnecessary hoops to jump thru in order to Foster or Adopt.

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Dear Nathan, The Common Sense of your observations and commentary is so obvious that it makes the uncooperative action of directors of animal shelters (such as the Orànge County one that you mentioned) akin to criminal behavior in the sense that they are contributing to the likely killing (“euthanasia “) of those dogs that are not adopted within a short period of time. This serious matter needs to be addressed to Brooke Rollins who is the new Head of USDA (the governmental agency responsible for overseeing animal shelters), especially since the USDA’s previous administrators failed to perform (as you had mentioned in your previous updates). I have also recommended that you, Nathan Winograd, founder of the No Kill Advocacy Center, be designated as the Ambassador of Animal Welfare, which is a position that is needed in order to fight for the rights and lives of the loving animals who cannot speak up for themselves. I and the 100 million or more pet owners or animal lovers in America.look forward to these actions in order to Make America More Loving and Kinder Again. Sincerely, Jerry Neidich, Ph.D.

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As to your comment, "The Common Sense of your observations and commentary is so obvious that it makes the uncooperative action of directors of animal shelters (such as the Orànge County one that you mentioned) akin to criminal behavior in the sense that they are contributing to the likely killing (“euthanasia “) of those dogs that are not adopted within a short period of time." -- For this reason, it is important for all of us to stand and complain to the world of the hateful insanity & cruelty & immorality of Animal Shelter Management -- many out there may not know or need to be reminded -- we must enlighten as many as possible in order to SHUT DOWN hateful kill-Shelters.

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